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Sunday, September 28, 2008

WATER: Gift and Responsibility

by Dennis Lacsam

“The earth was formed out of water and by water”. This verbatim pronouncement in Peter 2 3:5 of the Holy Bible proves that even long before the olden times of creation, water is with God and God is with water. To show Almighty’s love to humanity, and by his prodigious hands, He landscaped and provided the universe with all the things, things which every part is believed to be “all water”.

Ladies and gentlemen, water is much more than we know. Although it may appear colorless to our naked eye, flavorless to our taste buds, or odorless to our olfactory, there is much more to know about this ancient substance that supports and sustains humanity for thousands of years. It has been proven that the water in its natural and healthy state of purity and integrity is an intelligent and highly responsive substance to all other forms of life.

In most religions, water is considered an absolute purifier. Major faiths incorporate washing into their rituals. It is used from baptism, the innermost sacrament of Christianity to the ritual bath performed for the dead in religions like Judaism and Islam. It seems effortless to mention its vitality in our being for it does not only cleanse our body but symbolically cleanses our soul.

As we all live together on this water planet, in our water bodies, we are inherently and naturally attracted to healthy water. We love it, we play in it, and we holiday near it. Our affinity to this precious resource is undoubtedly inimitable. Scientists and researchers continue to show us that our thoughts affect our own vibrational energy, which directly affects the structure of the very water within our bodies and in our environment. It is therefore no longer a theory, that the water, like everything else, has consciousness. No wonder why this enigmatic substance is an indispensable element in our existence.

Water, no doubt, is an essential part of our lives. Human survival relies on it. It is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells, removing toxins to wastes, converting food into energy, cushioning joints, hydrating skins, protecting tissues and organs, and empowering the body’s natural healing processes. A living creature could not survive without the bag of water inside its mother’s womb that protects and nourishes it for nine long months, and conversely, lack of water in the body can be the cause of countless ailments.

Cities and communities have proliferated where water reserve is overflowing. Quality water has become a prerequisite ingredient of our nation’s progress and improvement. The flowing water spins a turbine generator, which then generates electricity. The spent water coming out of the turbine can still be used for irrigation or water supply for homes. Water dynamism in our survival seems endless, but is this really our foremost concern? The infinite uses of the valuable resource God has abundantly bestowed each upon us?

Friends, water quality is a growing global concern. It is heartrending to know that polluted water and inadequate sanitation kill two children every thirty seconds worldwide; and, that the water we drink which literally becomes us since a large percentage of our bodies is water, is the same water that poisons the future generations. Many of us have unfortunately lost respect and concern for water and Mother Nature. We are rapidly destroying water’s life-giving capacities. Water, the lifeblood of human race, has been deserted and contaminated to the limits.

In the local scene, DENR reported that none of the country’s 158 major rivers was clean enough to drink in their natural flowing state. Of the 421 rivers in the country, 50 were considered biologically dead. And, only obnoxious creatures that cause diseases could be found in these rivers due to their rotten condition.

Just recently, massive oil spills in Semirara and Guimaras have tainted our watersheds. It is so depressing to think that the seas that are home to teeming water creatures have become a dumping ground of man’s toxic wastes.

Friends, let us strengthen our relationship with the miraculous element that gives us life. Remember that our concern for water is a public and patrimonial obligation. The protection, revaluation, and sustainable development of the water resources are actions of general interest. The right to use water, as well as the corresponding duties resulting from the water resources protection and conservation shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the present law. The human right to water is essential for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights.

Let us actively involve ourselves in taking care of our environment, our nature, our water. We should not stop thinking and putting into actions the most effective ways to conserve and protect our water supply. Using too much or wasting water should have some kind of feeling or sense of concern – some sort of responsibility and a sense of discipline. We must treat water as the most precious thing in the world for us to understand its true worth. Let us be economical with water! Don’t waste it! We still have time to do something about the water problem before it’s too late. Let us give water a healing hand. Let us not wait for the ill-fate to come our way. Let us be responsive to the call so that the prediction in Koran, the war of the twenty-first century is the fight over water, will never become a reality.

Ladies and gentlemen, remember that when God created the universe, He said fence! He created us human with the highest intellect among His creations to guard all the worthy things He has given us including the valuable water we inhabit. I therefore say, that it is our sole responsibility to protect water, God’s ultimate gift to humanity, for water means LIFE.

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